Training Opportunities
White Ribbon Scotland
WRS are an educational organization to encourage reflection and discussion that leads to personal and collective action among men.
Throughout the year, they encourage men
to do educational work in schools, workplaces and communities,
to support local women’s groups,
to raise money for the international educational efforts of the WRC.
They distribute Education and Action kits to schools and peak out on issues of public policy.
Glasgow Clyde Rape Crisis
The Fair Play Project
Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis offers training, consultancy, and prevention services to education establishments, youth groups and the public and private sector.
This year they started the Fair Play Project to provide training and skill building to end gender based violence in sport.
They are committed to working with local sports teams and communities to change the toxic and misogynistic culture that is prevalent in sports.
E-Learning: Preventing Sexual Misconduct in Sport
E-Learning is currently being developed, check back soon for more information.
Online Resource
1. Defining and Understanding Consent
2. Sexual Misconduct: Definitions
3. Bystander Intervention
4. Understanding Rape Culture
These resources will be available to download soon.